The Magical Experiences Arts Company
MEAC is an ‘Arts serving’ organization that provides innovative and creative theater programming to special education schools and nursing homes. MEAC provides interactive performances which: empower, inspire and educate children, adolescents and adults with severe multiple disabilities in a safe, nurturing environment. The organization’s primary goal is to help develop communication and self-expression skills.
MEAC will make connections throughout the community, bringing together it’s populations in a mutual journey of sharing and exploration of emotional development. How can we help each other to grow, to soar?!
MEAC will strengthen its commitment to bring equality and equanimity to the Disability Community, who historically have been neglected by the Arts. MEAC will act on its desire to expand training and access of its methods and programs to students attending Historic Black Universities in Maryland, with the goal of making sure people of color can choose a career in the Disability Arts. MEAC will continue its programming at the William S. Baer School and the Chimes School, acknowledging our mission to bring therapeutic theater to Baltimore City & County’s most severely disabled youth. MEAC will celebrate 28 years at the Regional Institute for Children & Adolescents, providing ground-breaking therapeutic theater for students with severe emotional disturbances. MEAC will expand programming at Broadmead, providing a monthly show at Hallowell, and a monthly show at Darlington, bringing the benefits of story-telling, music, emotional expression to seniors with Alzheimer’s. The Texas School for the Blind & Visually Impaired will celebrate its 8th MEAC tour in November 2024, with the Muses of Greece and A Celtic Tale! 166 performances in total to bring the magic and wonder of theater into the lives of individuals with severe disabilities.
Celebrating 38 Years of Magical Performances around the World!
If you are interested in observing a performance or would like to donate to MEAC’s programming please contact Joanne Margolius at experiences@verizon.net or call 443 848 4615 (cell & voicemail – best number to reach Joanne Margolius)